How does invisalign work

How does Invisalign work

Dr. Manivannan

Dr. Manivannan

September 06,2024

Within the last decade, Invisalign has transformed orthodontia by offering a stealthy, convenient, and reliable method of straightening teeth. Instead of the traditional metal braces that decorate your teeth with inconvenient bands, brackets, and wires, Invisalign works by using a series of clear, removable aligners to gradually move your teeth into their intended positions. It is an innovative treatment option for many teens and adults who want a barely noticeable solution to attain a healthy, wonderful smile.

But how does Invisalign work, actually? This blog will examine more closely the science behind Invisalign, what the treatment process entails, and the reasons this is such a popular alternative to braces.

What Is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a brand of clear aligners, each precisely customized for the patient to move their teeth into the correct alignment. These are made from a flexible thermoplastic type of material known as SmartTrack, which is meant to be comfortable and effective. Invisalign aligners are very nearly invisible when worn and thus stand out among a group of people desiring straightened teeth with a method least noticeable to others.

How Invisalign Works: The Step-by-Step Process

Invisalign works in key stages to help reach the desired results. Here is a rundown of what typical treatment with Invisalign requires:

1. Initial Consultation

The first step is an initial examination where an orthodontist or general dentist is trained in Invisalign treatment. At your appointment, the doctor evaluates your smile, discusses what you and your doctor hope to achieve, and decides upon the best course of action, if possible, with Invisalign treatment. Some problems that are commonly resolved using Invisalign are:

  • Crowded teeth
  • Gaps between teeth
  • Overbite
  • Underbite
  • Crossbite
  • Open bite

While Invisalign can treat a wide range of cases, severe orthodontic issues may be better addressed not by this option but by more application of traditional methods, such as metal braces.

2. 3D Imaging and Treatment Plan

If you’re a candidate for Invisalign, the next step will involve creating a digital model of your teeth. He or she will take a scan of your mouth with advanced 3D imaging technology and develop a detailed map of your teeth and bite. This scan is used in the design of a personalized treatment plan that shows how your teeth will be moved through the course of treatment.

Your orthodontist is able to visually present to you, with the help of specialized software, a preview of how your teeth will move at each stage, by which you will understand what result you can expect.

3. Custom Aligners Are Made

By the time your treatment plan has been developed and established, you will have a set of custom-designed aligners fitted to your teeth. Each set of aligners advances the position of your teeth in minimal steps. Most often, you will need to use a new aligner every one to two weeks, which moves your teeth at a gradual and controlled rate.

These aligners are made from Invisalign’s patented SmartTrack material, which is at once flexible yet strong. They fit pleasantly over your teeth and press softly on specific areas to guide them into place.

4. Wearing Your Aligners

Invisalign works effectively to allow the patient to wear their aligners for a minimum of 20–22 hours every day, in which case you would essentially only take them out to eat, drink anything other than water, or when brushing and flossing. The flexibility in this regard that’s included in being able to take the aligners out is one of the major benefits of Invisalign in particular, especially when compared to fixed metal braces.

Each aligner series will casually shift your teeth, and every one to two weeks, you progress to the next in the series. As you progress with the aligners, your teeth move closer into their final, corrected position.

5. Regular Check-Ins with Your Orthodontist

Throughout your Invisalign treatment, you are supposed to visit your orthodontist or dentist for regular follow-ups, usually every six to eight weeks. This is supposed to enable your dentist to follow through with your progress, ensuring that your teeth move as they are supposed to. Minimal adjustments of the treatment, if necessary, can be done at this point.

The total amount of Invisalign treatment duration depends on the complexity of the case. Most patients finish the whole course of their treatment within 12 to 18 months, though for minor adjustments, it takes as little as six months.

6. Completion and Retention

Your Invisalign treatment is finished when you have worked your way through all of your sets of aligners and your teeth have moved into their final position. To maintain this new smile, however, you will continue to wear a retainer. A retainer prevents your teeth from maybe migrating back to your old smile and typically is worn at night.

In some situations, Vivera retainers may be provided, which are made from the same material as the Invisalign aligners themselves and hence equally unobtrusive and comfortable.

Benefits of Invisalign

Invisalign serves a host of beneficial purposes and therefore is in high demand for orthodontic treatments, including:

1. Aesthetic Beauty

Ultimately, one of the biggest advantages of Invisalign is its invisible appearance. The transparent aligners are seldom visible when worn, which gives you the option to straighten your teeth without showing off that you are getting orthodontic treatment.

2. Removability

Unlike traditional braces, Invisalign aligners are removable; hence, you can eat and drink whatever you feel like without limitations. This also makes brushing and flossing easier, since you will not have to navigate through brackets and wires.

3. Comfort

Invisalign aligners are smooth and custom-fit, taking away the irritation of metal brackets and wires. Due to the movement of your teeth, you may sometimes feel some pressure, but generally, the invisalign braces are more comfortable than traditional braces.

4. Fewer Office Visits

Traditional braces include regular visits to the orthodontist for adjustment and replacement, but since invisalign braces are changed at home every one to two weeks, this eliminates the need to check in as much. Moreover, one cannot possibly have broken brackets or wires, and with that, chances of having an emergency orthodontic visit are very low. 

5. Effective in Many Cases

Invisalign can address everything from light crowding to severe bite problems. Though more serious cases may require the use of braces, over time, Invisalign has been engineered to deal with increasingly difficult cases with the use of small, tooth-colored attachments bonded to the teeth to help in the movement.

Who Can Benefit from Invisalign?

Invisalign is indicated for both adults and teenagers who would wish to straighten their teeth in an inconspicuous manner. It is also very suitable for those individuals who might be sensitive regarding the wearing of metal braces or those who would not want to be bothered with the dietary restrictions and maintenance associated with traditional orthodontics.

Success with Invisalign, however, is completely compliance-based. Since the aligners are removable, the patient must be disciplined enough to wear them for the recommended 20–22 hours per day. Poor use of aligners can make the treatment longer or less effective.

Invisalign vs. Traditional Braces: How Do They Compare?

While both Invisalign and traditional braces aim to straighten teeth, the major differences between them are:

  • Appearance: The Invisalign aligners are transparent and almost invisible, while the braces remain highly visible due to the utilization of metal brackets and wires.
  • Comfort: Invisalign aligners are less irritating compared to braces, which may be very uncomfortable as far as wires and brackets are concerned.
  • Oral hygiene: Since the Invisalign aligners are detachable, they allow for one to perform proper brushing and flossing with minimal hassle; this allows for less buildup of plaque in the teeth. On the other hand, braces require thorough cleaning to avoid cavities.
  • Flexibility: It is because Invisalign can be taken out for meals, important occasions, or when cleansing the mouth, unlike the fixed nature of braces.


Invisalign is a very effective non-invasive alternative to traditional braces that will make your teeth straight without the hassle of metal brackets and wires. Therefore, a healthy and beautiful smile can be achieved with minimum impact on the daily life of an individual by following a pre-planned treatment process and wearing a set of customized clear aligners. If you’re considering Invisalign, be sure to consult with your orthodontist as to whether it is the right option for your specific dental needs. With good care and compliance, Invisalign can give you that smile you have always dreamed of.

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